Ever wondered what the usual day in the life of a UoBSat team member is? If so, keep reading!

After an up and down history for the ground station which has been subject to its fair share of storms, the team has been putting in significant effort to bring it back to fully operational status. With the end now in sight its getting exciting in the CubeSat lab in Bristol. Whenever there is clear skys and the air is calm, those who fancy a break from PhDs, coursework or lectures are making repairs and adjustments.

Whilst, unfortunately, we cannot take you all up to the roof, the views are too good not to share and so we thought, as an early Christmas present from the UoBSat family, we would share some of the best photos from the last few months with you all! 🎄(P.S. we’ll keep trying to live that influencer life for the space nerds out there, one day…)