Say hello to the PROVE Pathfinder Team! We are a team of dedicated University of Bristol undergraduates, postgraduates and staff across multiple schools and faculties. Whilst a lot of our members study aerospace degrees, we also have members from electronics engineering, physics and earth sciences! We would like to thank Nick Yue for taking this wonderful photo!
In this photo, we have (left to right):
Franco Labia – our head of outreach, and a PhD candidate in Robotics
Orlando Lucsombe – one of our electronics team, and a first year Engineering Maths student
Zain Robson – part of our structures team, and a third year Aerospace Engineering student
Vilius Stonkus – one of our software engineers and indeed the lead for our website redesign, a final year Aerospace Engineering student
Ria Varshney – the other face in our outreach team, a second year Aerospace Engineering student
Gabriel Burke – one of our thermal team, a third year Aerospace Engineering student
Thomas Hunter – our deputy PM, also a third year Aerospace Engineering student
Tom Snelling – our project manager, and a third year Aerospace Engineering student
Lucy Berthoud – Professor of Space Engineering at the university
George Burns – our electronics lead, a second year Electrical and Electronics Engineering student
Hubert Przyborowski – another member of our electronics team, and also a second year Electrical and Electronics student
James Hollingdale – also one of our electronics team, and a third year Aerospace Engineering Student
Shivang Gangadia – part of our electronics team, and a Masters student in Biorobotics
Louis Timperley – our software lead and a part of the systems team, and a PhD student in Aerospace Engineering
Andrei Sarua – a senior lecturer in the Physics department of the university
David Reid – the structures and thermal team lead, a PhD student in Aerospace Engineering
Karen Aplin – Professor of Space Science and Technology at the university
Unfortunately, 3 of our team in this picture couldn’t make the photo – can you tell who has been photoshopped in? And of course, these people aren’t the only people in our team – for more information on everyone, visit our Team page (opens in new tab).